One Page Business Plans

We offer One Page Business Plans in conjunction with the AVN association of accountants.

As part of our commitment to improving the performance of your business, we offer One Page Business Plans in conjunction with the AVN association of accountants.

What is a One Page Business Plan?

A One Page Business Plan is exactly as its name suggests – a business plan that fits onto a single sheet of A4 paper. Often in the form of a half-day meeting, either monthly or quarterly, we will discuss your goals and examine the business's sales, costs and cashflow.

Not only does this give the business an early warning system (by systematically measuring and monitoring everything that is really important in the business), but it also acts as a catalyst for identifying the action that needs to be taken, and for recording and monitoring the constantly updated action plans that the business plan contains.

How do I benefit from a One Page Business Plan?

  • A One Page Business Plan is readily understandable by everybody from the shop floor to the board.
  • It tells everybody how they are doing, helps them to identify the areas that they need to work on, and forces them to think about, record and monitor the action that they are going to take to do even better in the future.
  • As the One Page Business Plan must be updated regularly, it makes a living document that always records the most up-to-date performance information, and the most up-to-date business plans.
  • By forcing you to draw up a monthly action plan, it helps you to actually take action (which is ultimately the key to success, but is all too often overlooked because we are all too busy doing the things we have always done).

Please contact us for more information and advice.

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Directors: Brian K. Wright C.A., A.C.M.A., C.G.M.A. Anne N. Wright C.P.F.A. Co. Registration No: SC309527.
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